Pellevé® Skin Tightening

Pelleve® skin tightening is a wrinkle reduction and skin tightening system that can transform a multitude of conditions and is especially ideal for those difficult-to-treat delicate eye areas and top lip lines.

FDA-approved, this radiofrequency (RF) skin tightening treatment is a safe and highly effective way to refresh your appearance without resorting to an invasive procedure. Results are immediate and lasting.

If you would like to find out more about this skin tightening treatment or to book a consultation, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our expert practitioners in London and Buckinghamshire.

*Reviewed by Dr Tracy Mountford, MBBS MBCAM

Pellevé® Skin Tightening

Before & Afters


Pelleve uses radiofrequency to deliver a constant, gradual energy to the skin, so that heat builds up where the skin and fat layer come together – rather like having a warm massage.

The increasing heat from the Pelleve handset modifies the collagen bundles deep inside the skin, so that they contract and encourage new collagen to grow gradually.
This means firmer, tighter skin that is noticeable right away, with results that last. It’s suitable both for men and women.

Pelleve can treat wrinkles, skin laxity, jowls and the neck. It is particularly ideal for facial areas that are otherwise hard to treat, such as bags and dark circles under the eyes and ageing lipstick lines.

Unlike other skin tightening systems, there is no need for anaesthesia or skin cooling. Because the skin isn’t numb, patients are able to describe the depth of feeling during their Pelleve treatment which helps us provide the very best results.

Many patients see a result immediately after just one treatment, but most will need a course of two to three treatments for the very best results. At your initial consultation, we will assess whether Pelleve is right for you based on your skin type, age and what you hope to accomplish.

According to Pelleve, 87.1% of patients in an FDA clinical trial showed continued improvement at six months following treatment. Your medical practitioner will give you all the advice you need.

First, a protective gel will be applied to your face then your practitioner will gently apply the Pellevé hand piece to your skin. Patients say they experience a deep warming sensation when this is done.

A full facial treatment typically takes between 45 minutes to an hour.

We will explain everything in detail and make you feel at ease and relaxed on the day of your treatment, knowing you’re in safe, expert and medically qualified hands.

Pelleve is FDA-approved and is a safe and effective treatment that does not involve drugs or anaesthetics.

No, no anaesthesia is required and there is no downtime, so you can resume normal activities right away.

Many people find Pelleve to be a very comfortable experience. Mild swelling and redness may occur, because no anaesthetic is used, but this usually goes away within a few hours to a day.

What Our Patients Say

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London: +44 203 319 3637
Buckinghamshire: +44 203 319 3637

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